H2020 MSCA Innovative Training Network for the research on Advanced Hardware/Software Components for Integrated/Embedded Vision Systems


The Artificial Vision and Real Time System (AViReS) Lab of the University of Udine  is a leading Computer Vision research group in Italy. The activities of the group deal with many topics in the areas of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Real-Time Systems. The AViReS research group has a specific experience in the development of real-time multimedia systems. In particular, knowledge is available in the context of low-level and high-level computer vision techniques aimed at assisting human operators in understanding and interpreting “situations of interest” occurring in variable-complexity monitored scenes.

Key people

Christian Micheloni  (Associate professor)

Gian Luca Foresti (Head of the Department)

Claudio Piciarelli (Assistant Professor)

Niki Martinel (Assistant Professor)