function [vector_allAddr, vector_allTs]=mat2dat(CIN,s) % % converts a matlab 6 column matrix CIN into a .dat file (whos name is contained in string s) for displaying with % jAER ( You should use the % RetinaTeresa2 or tmpdiff128 (activating filters invert-x and invert-y) AEChips to display the converted file in % jAER. % % Each line in the matrix represents a recorded event. % The 6 columns of the input matrix mean the following: % % Column 1: timestamps with 1us time tick % Columns 2-3: ignore them (they are meant for simulator AERST (see Perez-Carrasco et al, IEEE % TPAMI, Nov. 2013)). % Column 4: x coordinate (from 0 to 127) % Column 5: y coordinate (from 0 to 127) % Column 6: event polarity % % Written by Jose A. Pérez-Carrasco in 2007, while at the Sevilla % Microelectronics Institute (IMSE-CNM, CSIC and Univ. of Sevilla, Spain). % The following lines map x,y, and event polarity into specific bits of a % 2-byte word for displaying with jAER's filters RetinaTeresa2 or tmpdiff128. % You can change these bits according to the jAER filters % you may want to use. %retinaSizeX=128; xmask = hex2dec ('fE'); % x are 7 bits (64 cols) ranging from bit 1-8 ymask = hex2dec ('7f00'); % y are also 7 bits xshift=1; % bits to shift x to right yshift=8; % bits to shift y to right polmask=1; % polarity bit is LSB x=CIN(:,4); y2=CIN(:,5); pol=CIN(:,6); %Ax=retinaSizeX-1-x; % x addresses Ax=x; % x addresses xfinal=bitshift(Ax,xshift); yfinal=bitshift(y2,yshift); polfinal=(1-pol)/2; vector_allAddr=uint32(yfinal+xfinal+polfinal); vector_allTs=uint32(CIN(:,1)); f=fopen(s,'w'); tok='#!AER-DAT'; tok2='# This is a raw AE data file - do not edit'; tok3='# Data format is int32 address, int32 timestamp (8 bytes total), repeated for each event'; tok4='# Timestamps tick is 1 us'; tok5='# created Tue Apr 29 11:36:59 CEST 2008'; v=2; bof=ftell(f); fprintf(f,'%s',tok); fprintf(f,'%1.1f\r\n',v); fprintf(f,'%s\r\n',tok2); fprintf(f,'%s\r\n',tok3); fprintf(f,'%s\r\n',tok4); fprintf(f,'%s\r\n',tok5); bof=ftell(f); bof2=bof; fseek(f,bof-4,'bof'); % start just after header bof=ftell(f); tam=length(vector_allAddr); fwrite(f,vector_allAddr,'uint32',4,'b'); bof22=bof2; fseek(f,bof+4,'bof'); % timestamps start 4 after bof fwrite(f,vector_allTs,'uint32',4,'b'); fclose(f);