Welcome to the MARAGDA project website
The project acronym (MARAGDA) stands for “Multilevel approach to the reliability-aware design of analog and digital integrated circuits“. The project goal is to develop a design methodology (covering from fabrication up to applications) that can efficiently tackle variability and aging in modern nanoscale CMOS technologies.
MARAGDA is a coordinated project of three research teams, with complementary expertise in the fields of variability and aging in nanoelectronics.
The project partners are:
- The Reliability of Electron Devices and Circuits (REDEC) group, from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) .
- The Research on High Performance Integrated Circuits and Systems (HIPICS) group, from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
- The Micro/Nanometric Circuits and Systems (MINCAS) group, from the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla, IMSE-CNM (CSIC and University of Seville).
Maragda has been funded by: