Group of Analog and Mixed-Signal Microelectronics

The group of Analog and Mixed-Signal Microelectronics  is dedicated to the design of  analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Special is given to the following lines:

  • Low-power and low-voltage design techniques in deep sub-micron technologies 
  • A/D converters, time-to-digital converters and mixed-signal interfaces
  • Smart implantable and portable biosensing devices
  • CMOS image sensors, time-of-flight sensors, single-photon detectors and vision chips;
  • Heterogeneous sensor/processor microsystems; vertically integrated circuit design (CMOS-3D).

Objectives of the group

  • Conceiving new analog and mixed-signal block topologies suitable for sub-micron and nanometric implementation.
  • High order effect modeling and incorporation to the design flow.
  •  Exploration of fundamental limits and effect of scaling in circuit blocks.
  • Developing top-down methodologies for the design of ADCs and DACs with optimized performance.
  • Exploring reconfiguration strategies for the implementation of adaptive interfaces
  • Searching for technologies that allow miniaturization of biomimetic systems, e. g. neural implants for scientific, surgical or traslational use.
  • Developing processing algotrithms for neural data processing.
  • Wireless sensor nodes implementation
  • Studying passive RF identifiers
  • Designing transceivers for body area networks.
  • Studying new pixel topologies for an enhanced sensitivity,
  • Designing smart image sensors with on-chip feature extraction
  • Studying new CMOS-compatible pixels for single-photon detection and time-of-flight measurement
  • Developing new architectures for distributed and hierarchical image processing
  • Designing scene representation schemess oriented to the development of collaborative vision applications.
  • Studying CMOS-compatible materials and devices for multi-spectral and 3D vision
  • Making use of 3D-integration-technology-adapted architectures for multilayer and multiscale image processing