Plataforms and Networks

The Sevilla Microelectronic Institute is membership of:

Artemis Industry Association


ARTEMIS Industry Association is the association for actors in Embedded Intelligent Systems within Europe. As private partner, the association represents its members - industry, SMEs, universities and research institutes - in ECSEL Joint Undertaking.
ARTEMIS Industry Association continuously promotes the R&I interests of its members to the European Commission and the Public Authorities of the participating states. The association strongly believes that the continued success of the Embedded Intelligent Systems sector in Europe depends on one coordinated, pan-European strategy. Forming this strategy is a part of the ARTEMIS European Technology Platform, which is developed & executed by the ARTEMIS Industry Association,


AENEAS: Association for European Nano Electronics Activities

AENEAS standing for Association for European NanoElectronics ActivitieS, is an industrial Association, established in 2006, providing unparalleled networking opportunities, policy influence & supported access to funding to all types RD&I participants in the field of micro and nanoelectronics enabled components and systems. The object of the Association is to promote Research, Development and Innovation in order to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry across the electronics components and systems value chain.



European Innovation Council Pilot Programme

EIC Pilot is a platform that offers business acceleration services, being a meeting point between the different actors.The EIC Community has more than 10,000 members and 5000 organizations, this platform is an exclusive virtual meeting point that brings together projects financed by EICs, corporations, investors, potential buyers ...



Mapping of technology centres working on Advaced Technologies for Industry (ATI)

ATI is a map of Technology Centers in Europe that allows its members to gain visibility in their area, get in touch with SMEs and technology centers throughout Europe and participate in the policies of the European Commission.




Planetic: Plataforma tecnológica Española para la adopción y difusión de las tecnologías electrónicas, de la información y la comunicación

PLANETIC is the Spanish platform for the adoption and dissemination of digitalization technologies. Its mission is to offer a global and integrated vision of innovation in the Spanish digital technology sector, joining forces and complementarities. PLANETIC supports a wide range of technologies and fields of action, from micro and nanotechnologies to intelligent systems, embedded systems, software, services, Big Data or artificial intelligence, among others.