- Simultaneous Single-Shot Adaptation to Variable Ambient Illumination and HDR Radiance Maps, Huawei Mobile Imaging Workshop, Cannes (France), October 2023.
- Pixel Circuitry for HDR and Tone Mapping vs. Digital Tone-Mapping Operators, Huawei Future ISP Technology Workshop, Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France), October 2021.
- Visual and Acoustic Inference on Low-Cost IoT Systems, MENELAOS Midterm Summer School, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), September 2021. [Abstract]
- Full-Custom Design of Smart Imagers and Embedded Systems, Institut Pascal, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (France), September 2019.
- Micro/Nano-Electronics: a Story of Extraordinary Success... How Much Longer? and Visual Intelligence: the Next Big Tech Wave, Institute of Materials Physics, Westfälische Wilhems-Universität
Münster, Münster (Germany), November 2017. [Abstracts]
- Photon Detection in CMOS Technology: from Photodiode Physics to Vision Chips,
Institute of Materials Physics, Westfälische Wilhems-Universität
Münster, Münster (Germany), March 2015. Jointly
with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán. [Abstract]
Imaging, from Silicon to Vision: challenges and... specifications?,
Joint TEWI / Lakeside Labs Colloquium, Alpen-Adria-Universität,
Klagenfurt (Austria), April 9, 2014. [Abstract]
- Contributions to the realization of DNN-based visual inference on embedded systems, D. Velasco, January 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez)
Microelectronics: Design and Applications of Micro/Nanoscale Systems,
University of Seville)
- Implementation
and characterization of Larq: library for training and deployment of
extremely quantized neural networks on embedded systems, F. J. Andreo, November 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Delia Velasco-Montero)
- Exploración, Implementación y Evaluación de RISC-V: Aceleradores de Hardware y Despliegue en FPGA, O. Vázquez, November 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Daniel García-Lesta and Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Characterization of computational bioacoustics based on deep learning on Raspberry Pi for remote bird monitoring, F. Muñiz, June 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Delia Velasco-Montero)
- Design and implementation of a low-power low-cost smart embedded system for remote animal monitoring, V. Galvín, November 2023 (co-supervised with Dr. Delia Velasco-Montero)
- Diseño e implementación de un transceptor para identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID), B. Baños, July 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- Chips de visión basados en la operación de la retina: estado del arte, P. Velasco, December 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Tecnología de visión basada en eventos: concepto e implementación práctica, M. F. Simbaña, September 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Juan A. Leñero-Bardallo)
- Circuitos de captación y gestión de la energía en aplicaciones de recolección de energía del ambiente, L. Vicente, July 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Paula López Martínez)
- Diseño e implementación de algoritmo embebido basado en lógica difusa para el reconocimiento de patrones en motocicletas, J. Silva, December 2021
- Diseño de un píxel de alto rango dinámico con control automático de exposición, Y. Lamouaraa, Diciembre 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Cyber-physical systems for remote animal monitoring - automated birdsong recognition: a case study of Falco Naumanni, C. Lozano, December 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- Evaluación del impacto del escalado tecnológico sobre el diseño físico de circuitos, J. I. Rubio, June 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Metodología y herramientas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de visión artificial basadas en OpenCV/OpenVX sobre FPGA, J. A. Martínez, December 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Design of a cryogenic low-noise amplifier based on Si-Ge transistors, R. Jaha, September 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán and Prof. Manuel Delgado Restituto)
- Estudio
de la eficiencia computacional asociada a la arquitectura,
J. N. Olmo, July 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Filtrado
de rango en el plano focal basado en PWM y lógica umbral,
J. Lara, January 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Modelado
de hardware para sensado y procesado de imágenes en OpenCV,
C. Villegas, July 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
- Diseño
y construcción de un demostrador de evaluación para chips de driver de
nueva generación, J. Padilla, July 2014 (co-supervised with
Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
BACHELOR'S THESES (University of Seville)
- Carburo de silicio: Principios físicos y aplicación a la electrónica, A. Martínez, Degree in Physics, July 2024
- Energy harvesting: physical principles and technological state of the art, A. García, Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics, June 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- Inference on compressive measurements, M. Jiménez, Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics, September 2021 (co-supervised with Mr. Riu Rodríguez)
- Quantum dots: concept and application for image sensors, A. Romero, Degree in Physics, June 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Juan A. Leñero)
- Estudio sobre la física e ingeniería de materiales aplicadas en la fabricación de transistores gate-all-around, G. Moreno, Double Degree in Physics & Materials Engineering, June 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- Beam loss monitors in the large hadron collider, S. Morales, Physics Degree, June 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- A study on fundamental physical limitations of CMOS technologies, R. González, Physics Degree, June 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- Implementación de un sistema de sensores para plataforma robótica, A. Mejías, Physics Degree, September 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- Análisis de rendimiento de redes neuronales profundas sobre sistema de visión embebido de bajo coste, E. Pardo, Computer Science Degree, June 2018 (co-supervised with Ms. Delia Velasco-Montero)
- Desarrollo de un sistema sensor de bajo consumo de potencia y reducido coste basado en Arduino, A. García, Physics Degree, September 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
- Aceleración
del algoritmo de Viola-Jones mediante rejillas de procesamiento
masivamente paralelo en el plano focal, E. Parra, Engineering Degree on Electronics, Robotics and
Mechatronics, July 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Ángel
GRADUATE COURSES (University of Seville)
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES (University of Seville)
of Digital Systems, Computer
- Computers
and Graphical Design,
and Electrical Machines, Biomedical Engineering
Circuits: Theory and
Instrumentation, Physics Degree
- Signal Conditioning and A-to-D
Conversion, Engineering Degree on Electronics, Robotics
and Mechatronics
Experimental Techniques in
Electronics, Physics Degree