Publications & Patents Teaching Miscellanea Jorge Fernández-Berni, PhD

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  • Simultaneous Single-Shot Adaptation to Variable Ambient Illumination and HDR Radiance Maps, Huawei Mobile Imaging Workshop, Cannes (France), October 2023.
  • Pixel Circuitry for HDR and Tone Mapping vs. Digital Tone-Mapping Operators, Huawei Future ISP Technology Workshop, Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France), October 2021.
  • Visual and Acoustic Inference on Low-Cost IoT Systems, MENELAOS Midterm Summer School, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), September 2021. [Abstract]
  • Full-Custom Design of Smart Imagers and Embedded Systems, Institut Pascal, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (France), September 2019.
  • Micro/Nano-Electronics: a Story of Extraordinary Success... How Much Longer? and Visual Intelligence: the Next Big Tech Wave, Institute of Materials Physics, Westfälische Wilhems-Universität Münster, Münster (Germany), November 2017. [Abstracts]
  • Photon Detection in CMOS Technology: from Photodiode Physics to Vision Chips, Institute of Materials Physics, Westfälische Wilhems-Universität Münster, Münster (Germany), March  2015. Jointly with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán. [Abstract]
  • Smart Imaging, from Silicon to Vision: challenges and... specifications?, Joint TEWI / Lakeside Labs Colloquium, Alpen-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt (Austria), April 9, 2014. [Abstract]

  • Contributions to the realization of DNN-based visual inference on embedded systems, D. Velasco, January 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez)
MASTER'S THESES (Master in Microelectronics: Design and Applications of Micro/Nanoscale Systems, University of Seville)
  1. Implementation and characterization of Larq: library for training and deployment of extremely quantized neural networks on embedded systems, F. J. Andreo, November 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Delia Velasco-Montero)
  2. Exploración, Implementación y Evaluación de RISC-V: Aceleradores de Hardware y Despliegue en FPGA, O. Vázquez, November 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Daniel García-Lesta and Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  3. Characterization of computational bioacoustics based on deep learning on Raspberry Pi for remote bird monitoring, F. Muñiz, June 2024 (co-supervised with Dr. Delia Velasco-Montero)
  4. Design and implementation of a low-power low-cost smart embedded system for remote animal monitoring, V. Galvín, November 2023 (co-supervised with Dr. Delia Velasco-Montero)
  5. Diseño e implementación de un transceptor para identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID), B. Baños, July 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  6. Chips de visión basados en la operación de la retina: estado del arte, P. Velasco, December 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  7. Tecnología de visión basada en eventos: concepto e implementación práctica, M. F. Simbaña, September 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Juan A. Leñero-Bardallo)
  8. Circuitos de captación y gestión de la energía en aplicaciones de recolección de energía del ambiente, L. Vicente, July 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Paula López Martínez)
  9. Diseño e implementación de algoritmo embebido basado en lógica difusa para el reconocimiento de patrones en motocicletas, J. Silva, December 2021
  10. Diseño de un píxel de alto rango dinámico con control automático de exposición, Y. Lamouaraa, Diciembre 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  11. Cyber-physical systems for remote animal monitoring - automated birdsong recognition: a case study of Falco Naumanni, C. Lozano, December 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  12. Evaluación del impacto del escalado tecnológico sobre el diseño físico de circuitos, J. I. Rubio, June 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  13. Metodología y herramientas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de visión artificial basadas en OpenCV/OpenVX sobre FPGA, J. A. Martínez, December 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  14. Design of a cryogenic low-noise amplifier based on Si-Ge transistors, R. Jaha, September 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán and Prof. Manuel Delgado Restituto)
  15. Estudio de la eficiencia computacional asociada a la arquitectura, J. N. Olmo, July 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  16. Filtrado de rango en el plano focal basado en PWM y lógica umbral, J. Lara, January 2016 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  17. Modelado de hardware para sensado y procesado de imágenes en OpenCV, C. Villegas, July 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
  18. Diseño y construcción de un demostrador de evaluación para chips de driver de nueva generación, J. Padilla, July 2014 (co-supervised with Prof. Ricardo Carmona-Galán)
BACHELOR'S THESES (University of Seville)
  1. Carburo de silicio: Principios físicos y aplicación a la electrónica, A. Martínez, Degree in Physics, July 2024
  2. Energy harvesting: physical principles and technological state of the art, A. García, Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics, June 2023 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  3. Inference on compressive measurements, M. Jiménez, Double Degree in Physics and Mathematics, September 2021 (co-supervised with Mr. Riu Rodríguez)
  4. Quantum dots: concept and application for image sensors, A. Romero, Degree in Physics, June 2021 (co-supervised with Prof. Juan A. Leñero)
  5. Estudio sobre la física e ingeniería de materiales aplicadas en la fabricación de transistores gate-all-around, G. Moreno, Double Degree in Physics & Materials Engineering, June 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  6. Beam loss monitors in the large hadron collider, S. Morales, Physics Degree, June 2020 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  7. A study on fundamental physical limitations of CMOS technologies, R. González, Physics Degree, June 2019 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  8. Implementación de un sistema de sensores para plataforma robótica, A. Mejías, Physics Degree, September 2018 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  9. Análisis de rendimiento de redes neuronales profundas sobre sistema de visión embebido de bajo coste, E. Pardo, Computer Science Degree, June 2018 (co-supervised with Ms. Delia Velasco-Montero)
  10. Desarrollo de un sistema sensor de bajo consumo de potencia y reducido coste basado en Arduino, A. García, Physics Degree, September 2017 (co-supervised with Prof. Rocío del Río)
  11. Aceleración del algoritmo de Viola-Jones mediante rejillas de procesamiento masivamente paralelo en el plano focal, E. Parra, Engineering Degree on Electronics, Robotics and Mechatronics, July 2015 (co-supervised with Prof. Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez)
GRADUATE COURSES (University of  Seville)
  • Applications, Systems and Techniques for Information Processing, Master in Microelectronics: Design and Applications of Micro/Nanoscale Systems

UNDERGRADUATE COURSES (University of Seville)
  • Electronics Physics, Physics Degree

  • Numerical Methods and Simulations, Physics Degree
  • Design of Digital Systems, Computer Engineering

  • Computers and Graphical Design, Materials Engineering
  • Circuits and Electrical Machines, Biomedical Engineering

  • Electrical Circuits: Theory and Instrumentation, Physics Degree

  • Signal Conditioning and A-to-D Conversion, Engineering Degree on Electronics, Robotics and Mechatronics
  • Experimental Techniques in Electronics, Physics Degree

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