Along his career, he has developed/conducted R&D activities on bio-inspired microelectronics, including vision chips and neuro-fuzzy interpolators and controllers (1996-1999). He has also worked in the application of chaotic dynamics to instrumentation and communications, including the design and production of the first world-wide chaos-based communication MoDem chips (1991-2004). Dr. Delgado-Restituto has also contributed in the design of structured analog and mixed-signal design, including integrated circuits for wireless and power-line communication systems and data converters (1997-2010), and the design for reusability of analog and mixed-signal circuit blocks (1998-2001). Some of the chips developed during these activities were state-of-the-art in their respective fields and entered in mass production. Currently, he heads a research group in IMSE-CNM/CSIC on
low-power medical electronics and works in the design of silicon microsystems to understanding biological neural systems, the development of neural prostheses and brain-machine interfaces, the implementation of wireless Body Area Network transceivers and the realization of RFID transponders with biomedical sensing capabilities (2005-).