Teresa Serrano Gotarredona (personal page)


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For MATLAB Codes of ART1, ARTMAP, Fuzzy-ART and Fuzzy-ARTMAP  algorithms of the book "Adaptive Resonance Theory Microchips", click here

Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona Gotarredona was born in Cordoba (Spain) in 1969. She received the B.S. degree in electronic physics and the Ph.D degree in VLSI neural categorizers from the University of Seville, Sevilla, Spain in June 1992 and December 1996, respectively.  In August 1997, she obtained an M.S. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Johns Hopkins University , Baltimore, MD, where she was sponsored by a Fulbright Fellowship.

She was assistant professor  in the University of Seville in the Electronics and Electromagnetism Department from September 1998  until June 2000. Since September 2000, she is a Tenured Scientist in the National Microelectronics Center , (IMSE-CNM-CSIC -US) Sevilla , Spain and in July 2008 she was promoted to Tenured Researcher. Since January 2006, she has been also part-time professor at the University of Seville.

Her research interests include analog circuit design of linear and nonlinear circuits, VLSI neural based pattern recognition systems, VLSI implementations of neural computing and sensory systems, transistor parameter mismatch characterization, address-event-representation VLSI, nanoscale  memristor-type AER, and real-time vision sensing and processing chips.

Dr. Serrano-Gotarredona was corecipient of the 1995-96 IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems Best Paper Award for the paper "A Real-Time Clustering Microchip Neural Engine". She has also been co-recipient of the 2000 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington Award for the paper "A General Translinear Principle for Subthreshold MOS Transistors". She is co-author of the book "Adaptive Resonance Theory Microchips".

She has served as chair of the Sensory Systems Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and chair of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Spain Chapter.

She was academic editor of the PLoSOne from May 2008 until October 2013. She has also served as associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, part I: regular papers and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, part II: express briefs. Presently, she serves as Associate Editor of the Frontiers on Neuromorphic Engineering and as Senior Editor of the IEEE JETCAS.

She served as General Director of Research and Knowledge Transference in the Andalusian Government from Nov 2020 until July 2022 https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/organismos/universidadinvestigacioneinnovacion/servicios/actualidad/noticias/detalle/246985.htm

She is co-head of the IMSE Neuromorphic Group.


She is listed in the ranking Top 2% scientist 2020 of Stanford Univ (listed as 1077 in the world -top 1.23%-, 27 in Spain and 1st woman in Spain https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3

Listed in top spanish research CSIC Ranking 2022 (https://www.webometrics.info/en/GoogleScholar/Spain) and among the most cited women in Spain https://www.webometrics.info/en/investigadoras


Link to citations in Google Scholar

Link to citations in Scopus

Link to citations in WoS

ORCID :   http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5714-2526






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Av. Americo Vespucio 28

41092 Sevilla, SPAIN

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Last updated: 29/10/2011